Procedures for Board, Sections and Committees' expenses - VVSOR - VVSOR

Netherlands Society for Statistics and Operations Research | Dutch

Procedures for Board, Sections and Committees’ expenses

Board, Sections and Committees within the VVSOR propose new ideas for events each year.

Their budget proposals for these plans are collected in January and discussed in a meeting with all sections, committees and the daily board in the early February preparation for the Annual Meeting in March. These budget plans provide a rough guide of the events and projects in the upcoming year, as well as their associated costs.

Of course also all small expenses can be reimbursed, including travel expenses, gifts and spending on committee/board meetings. We encourage section boards and committees to meet in person (after the corona pandemic) and appreciate the amount of time and energy section board members and committees devote to our society. So, we hope committees can also find the time to reflect on a successful project completed, and host themselves a lunch to celebrate. Also we welcome any initiative to thank departing volunteers with a nice gift or by hosting a joint thank-you dinner. Sections have also shown to be very creative in ways to thank speakers for their contribution to VVSOR events.


Regarding travel expenses, the following rules apply:

  • Travel for 2nd class public transport is reimbursed;
  • Travel by 1st class: the difference between 1st and 2nd is not reimbursed;
  • Travel by other means (e.g. own car): the difference with 2nd class public transport is only reimbursed if there is a proper motivation for not using public transport. Otherwise e.g. fuel costs and parking are reimbursed up to the price of 2nd class public transport.

Regarding food & beverages expenses, the following rules apply:

  • Please mention the reason for the gathering;
  • Please mention the number of persons that attended;
  • In case of a tip (‘fooi’), a maximum of 10% is reimbursed.
  • Notably, you can also reimburse supermarket costs (it does not need to be costs at a restaurant or so);


In the following list, each committee and section can find a form to reimburse their expenses. We ask to use separate forms if expenses are in two very different categories, e.g. hosting a VVSOR event and spending on a gift for a committee member that is leaving.

The procedure to ask for reimbursement is as follows:

  • Fill in your own details and a description of the expenses.
  • Choose a category: Travel, VVSOR event, Event sponsoring,
    Lunch/diner/meeting venue (for committee/section board meetings),
    Volunteer gift, Other
  • Support all expenses by receipts/invoices, and compress photos of
    receipts if needed: the total supporting files (in pdf, png or jpeg)
    per form should not exceed 15MB
  • Export the form to pdf.
  • Send the pdf form and supporting files to the e-mail address
    provided in the form in one e-mail per form. (Please add the supporting documents as an attachment, not as inline images in the e-mail.)

Forms for board:

Expenses form VVSOR – Daily Board

Expenses form VVSOR – General Board


Forms for sections:

Expenses form VVSOR – Section Biometrics

Expenses form VVSOR – Section Data Science

Expenses form VVSOR – Section Economics

Expenses form VVSOR – Section Mathematical Statistics

Expenses form VVSOR – Section Operations Research

Expenses form VVSOR – Section Social Sciences

Expenses form VVSOR – Section Statistics Communication

Expenses form VVSOR – Section Young Statisticians


Forms for committees:

Expenses form VVSOR – Digital Archiving Committee

Expenses form VVSOR – Education Committee

Expenses form VVSOR – Annual Meeting Committee

Expenses form VVSOR – Web Committee

Expenses form VVSOR – Financial Audit Committee

Expenses form VVSOR – Media Expert Group committee


Forms for STAtOR:

Expenses form STAtOR – Editorial Board