The PhD candidates will work in the research group Psychometrics and Statistics within the psychology department. Research within our group focuses on a range of topics, including the evaluation and improvement of existing and new techniques of statistical analysis, interpretation and replicability of research results, and the evaluation and use of psychological tests. Our research has the explicit goal of contributing to the development of both theory and practice. We will work together with scientists from various disciplines within and outside the University of Groningen.
The two PhD projects are devoted to (1) optimal scoring tests, and (2) optimal design of a normative study.
We are looking for two PhD candidates who are highly motivated to work on this project, and are particularly interested in conducting theory-based statistical research with a high societal relevance. You have a creative, critical and independent research attitude. You will complete in the near future or have recently completed a (Research) Master in Statistics or Applied Mathematics with affinity for psychological research, or a (Research) Master in the Social Sciences with a considerable statistical and methodological component. You have experience with advanced data analysis and with R or another programming language. You have good English communication and writing skills.
For information you can contact:
For information and/or a detailed summary of the research proposal visit the link or contact Prof. Marieke Timmerman +31 50 3636255,