On behalf of Renee Menezes (VUmc Amsterdam):
We have an open postdoc position for a statistician/bioinformatician in modelling multi-omics data, based at the VU University Medical Centre (VUmc, Amsterdam). We will develop state-of-the-art statistical methods to jointly analyse large datasets, measuring both genetic activity and a phenotypic response. Both likelihood-based and Bayesian methods will be considered. This will be used to understand how oncogenic transformation impacts on the establishment and stability of sister chromatid cohesion, a fundamental biological phenomenon that we find corrupted in cancer cells.
We are looking for someone with a PhD degree preferably in Statistics, but Bioinformatics or a closely related discipline would also be considered if other skills are met.
For more details and to apply see:
https://www.werkenbijvumc.nl/ vacatures/postdoc-position-in- high-dimensional-data- analysis/