Regulations Jan Hemelrijk Award - VVSOR - VVSOR

Netherlands Society for Statistics and Operations Research | Dutch

Regulations Jan Hemelrijk Award

Below one can find the regulations for the Jan Hemelrijk Award.


The Jan Hemelrijk Award of the VVSOR aims to promote the interest in research and practical application of relevant methods and techniques in statistics and operations research.


A professor, supervisor or tutor nominates a student that graduated at a Dutch institution of higher vocation or university education in the academic year (September 1 to September 1) prior to the award ceremony. Nomination is allowed once only. Thesis topic should be closely related to statistics and/or operations research. Only final graduation theses such as a master thesis can be nominated; academic bachelor theses cannot be nominated.


The annual prize is awarded to a student who in the opinion of the jury meets the criteria best. If desired, the jury is allowed to award the prize up to three candidates. If no essay of sufficient level is considered, the jury may decide not to award the prize. The prize is € 1000,- per winner. Besides the award of the prize, the jury has the option of honorable mention. All winners and honorable mentioned nominees receive a diploma that is awarded at the annual meeting of the VVSOR.


The thesis is evaluated on the following points:

– a critical approach and an original contribution to the subject;

– ability to state and apply theoretical concepts from statistics and/or operations research in an inventive way;

– the practical applicability of the findings and results;

– a clear line of reasoning and communication skills;

– in the thesis the candidate’s own research contribution should be clearly noticeable.

In assessing these criteria the jury will take into account the (nominal) length of the time reserved in the curriculum for researching and writing the thesis.

The jury

The jury consists of five persons, including

– a member of the board of the VVSOR;

– a member of the editorial board of Statistica Neerlandica;

– a representative from industry.

The board of the VVSOR appoints the members of the jury, whereas a professor will take the position as president. The jury is assisted by a secretary appointed by the board of the VVSOR. If necessary, the jury could consult external experts. At the jury meeting at the beginning of the year of the thesis award will be decided on the prizes and/or honorable mentions to be awarded. Jurors who are unable to attend this meeting should submit a written evaluation to send the secretary of the jury, or should be represented by a substitute.