You are all cordially invited to the next Mark Kac seminar on May 3rd. PhD students are especially invited to attend.
Friday May 3
Utrecht, Janskerkhof 3 (Utrecht), room 019
Speaker: Carlangelo Liverani (U Roma Tor Vergata)
Title : Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics and dynamical systems
Speaker: Siamak Taati (U Groningen)
Title : Gibbs measures and equilibrium measures: some variants and generalizations of the Dobrushin–Lanford–Ruelle theorem
Abstract: Carlangelo Liverani
I will first illustrate in which sense the macroscopic laws (e.g. Euler Equation, Heat equation, …) are expected to be a consequence of the Hamiltonian dynamics. Then I will discuss the technical obstacles to the rigorous implementation of such a research program and some related recent results.
Abstract: Siamak Taati
A basic postulate of equilibrium statistical mechanics is that the macroscopic state of a system at thermal equilibrium is appropriately described by a probability distribution that maximize the pressure (the Boltzmann distribution). For lattice models in which microscopic states are configurations of symbols on an infinite lattice, Dobrushin, Lanford and Ruelle (DLR) showed that under broad conditions, local and global maximization of the pressure lead to the same class of measures — namely (shift-invariant) Gibbs measures are the same as equilibrium measures.
I will discuss some variants and generalizations of this theorem. The strongest generalization is a “relative” version of the DLR theorem for systems in contact with a random environment, in which the pressure maximization is relative to the environment. The environment affects the interaction energies and determines the set of allowed configurations. This theorem covers classic examples of disordered systems (e.g., the Ising model with random external field) as well as examples in which hard constraints are present (e.g., Ising model on percolation clusters). The underlying lattice can be any countable amenable group. The role of hard constraints (i.e., the underlying subshift of allowed configurations) will be emphasized.
This is joint work with Sebastián Barbieri, Ricardo Gómez-Aíza and Brian Marcus [arXiv:1809.00078].
The Mark Kac seminar is an activity of the STAR stochastics cluster. See
also our website
The next Mark Kac speaker are:
June 7
1.Jan Wehr (Tucson, Arizona)
2.Cyril Lucas (Paris)