Invitation SWI 2019, Wageningen, January 28 – February 1, 2019
*** 148th European Study Group Mathematics with Industry, 2019, Wageningen ***
Location: Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Since 1968, the Study Group Mathematics with Industry has brought together mathematicians and companies. Following the original Oxford model, about 60 mathematicians, ranging from PhD students to full professors, spend a week working in teams on real life problems, presented to them by companies on Monday morning. During a couple of busy days these problems are discussed, modelled, analysed, and computed, and results are presented on Friday.
You are kindly invited to participate in this inspiring modelling week.
The selected problems are:
Hendrix Genetics: Turkey body weight prediction
Sweco: Controlling traffic in the city of the future
Bruil: Prediction of print success for concrete 3D prints
Marin: The numerical towing tank
KwrWater: Predicting carbon filter performance in water treatment
Synopsys: Latency prediction for on-chip communication
for more information and problem descriptions, please, check our website
Registration through the SWI 2019 website is compulsory due to capacity constraints. We reimburse hotel costs, but budget is not infinite, so first come, first served.
Hoping to meet you at SWI2019.