Franco-Dutch YEP Workshop on « Mathematical statistical mechanics, random graphs and related topics » - VVSOR - VVSOR

Netherlands Society for Statistics and Operations Research | Dutch

Franco-Dutch YEP Workshop on « Mathematical statistical mechanics, random graphs and related topics »

It’s our pleasure to announce the first Franco-Dutch YEP Workshop on « Mathematical statistical mechanics, random graphs and related topics »,

taking place at Eurandom, TU/e in Eindhoven, from May 28-June 1, 2018.


The model of the workshop will be the Young European Probabilists (YEP) series that are held anually in Eurandom, consisting of mini-courses and regular talks from both « junior » or « senior » researchers from the Ddutch and French probabililist communities.


The conference will contain two mini-courses by :

– Pierre Picco (CNRS Marseille)

– Béatrice de Tilière (UPEC Paris-Est)


There will be talks from invited speakers, in and around the mini-course areas.


The meeting is co-organized  within the stochastic groups of TU/e Eindhoven and Université Paris-Est Créteil within their common CNRS affiliation, and intend to be the occasion to advert and celebrate the renewal of the CNRS-UMI affiliation of Eurandom.


Details of the meeting can be found at event/franco-dutch-yep- workshop/ , or directly by mail : or