On Monday (11/06/2018), we have another interesting talk in our Probability and Statistics seminar series at TU Delft. All of you are very welcome.
Rajat Hazra (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata)
When: Monday June 11th, 16:00
Where: TU Delft, Faculty EWI, Mekelweg 4, Lecture hall D@ta.
Branching random walk: a tale of two tails.
Branching random walk with regularly varying displacements is a heavy-tailed random field indexed by a Galton-Watson tree. We shall survey some results on rightmost position of the particle and also describe the point process associated to it. These results were obtained when the mean of the branching random variable is finite and satisfies the Kesten-Stigum condition. We extend these results to the case when the mean is infinite in the underlying GW tree (which can happen when the branching random variable has heavy tails). The weak limit of the rightmost particle, the associated cloud speed, the point process of displacements all can be described explicitly. If time permits we shall also describe the case when displacements have exponentially decaying tails.
The talk is based on the master thesis of Souvik Ray (ISI, Kolkata) and also joint works with Ayan Bhattacharya (CWI, Amsterdam), Parthanil Roy (ISI Bangalore), Philippe Soulier (Universite Paris Nanterre).
More details on the seminar’s website:
https://www.tudelft.nl/en/ eemcs/the-faculty/departments/ applied-mathematics/applied- probability/events/seminars/