23 - 26 September 2018

Applied Statistics 2018

As the chair of Applied Statistics 2018 (AS2018) conference Organizing Committee, I would like to inform you about this yearly conference and ask you for help to disseminate the information to your statistical society members.


Statistical Society of Slovenia organizes the 15th international conference Applied Statistics 2018, which will take place between September 23. – 26. in Ribno (Bled), Slovenia.


The aim of the conference (organized yearly since 2004) is to bring together statisticians, working in diverse fields of statistics and its applications. You can find more information on our web site http://conferences.nib.si/AS20 18/.


We hope that the conference will be the opportunity to meet statisticians from many  countries, fostering new connections and tightening the old ones. In accordance with the FENStatS initiative of closer cooperation of European statistical societies we provide a discounted registration fee for members of FENStatS societies.


We would be pleased to have participants from as many world and European statistical societies as possible and would like to invite your members to join us at the AS2018. Beside the conference, Ljubljana and Slovenia provide also lots of natural, cultural, and culinary beauties which are not to be neglected.



I am pleased to inform you, that *abstract submission and registration* for “Applied Statistics 2018”, which will be held in  Ribno (Bled), Slovenia from 23 – 26 of September 2018 *is now open*.


– Please note that the abstract submission deadline is *June 1*.

Conference details are available at http://conferences.nib.si/AS20 18

This year we invited three distinguished speakers

– Deborah Nolan, UC Berkeley, USA

– Tiago de Paula Peixoto, University of Bath, UK

– Fortunato Pesarin, Padua University, Italy

to present their plenary talks.


Instructions for abstract submission and submission form are available at the AS2018 website (http://conferences.nib.si/AS2 018/Abstracts.htm). Abstract submission deadline is *June 1*.


For registration use the registration form: http://conferences.nib.si/AS20 18/Register.htm – possibly at the time of abstract acceptance.

Registration and payment details are available at http://conferences.nib.si/AS20 18/Registration.htm


Don’t forget to arrange the accommodation in Hotel Ribno. Please contact them as soon as possible. Look at: http://conferences.nib.si/AS20 18/Accommodation.htm


The conference e-mail address is info.AS@nib.si, but you are  welcome to directly contact either me, Andrej Blejec, chair of Organizing  Committee, (andrej.blejec@nib.si) or Lara Lusa, chair of  International Program Committee, (lara.lusa@mf.uni-lj.si)  (Subject: [AS2018] …).


In the name of AS2018 IPC and OC I would like to invite you to attend Applied Statistics 2018. We are sure that your presence will  significantly contribute to the success of the conference and look forward to meet you in Slovenia.