36th International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements, and Evaluation - VVSOR - VVSOR

Netherlands Society for Statistics and Operations Research | Dutch
05 - 07 December 2018

36th International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements, and Evaluation

36th International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements, and Evaluation
December 5-7, 2018, Toulouse, France

Abstract submission: May 4th, 2018
Full paper submission: May 11th, 2018
Notification to authors: July 13th, 2018

The IFIP PERFORMANCE 2018 conference solicits research papers on the design of algorithms, mathematical modeling, simulation and measurement techniques for computer systems or communication networks.

Topics of interest include the following
Methodologically-oriented design and evaluation studies of:
. Blockchains.
. Net Neutrality.
. Cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, fog computing.
. Energy – smart grid, markets, EVs, renewables.
. Services employing Internet-as-platform.
· Wireless, mobile, ad-hoc, sensor and cellular networks.
· Data centers, content delivery, cloud computing and virtualization.
· Computer architectures, memory systems and storage systems.
· Security systems.
. Network architectures, protocols and algorithms.
· Operating systems, file systems and databases.

Methodologies, evaluation techniques, and algorithms for:
. Congestion control in the Internet and in datacenters.
· Network science, social networks, complex networks.
. Network economics, markets, incentives and mechanism design.
· Capacity planning, resource allocation, routing, scheduling.
· System measurement and monitoring.
· Stochastic analysis, statistical analysis and simulation.
. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data.
· Large scale data collection, management and processing.

Submissions can be either the standard long paper (12 pages) or a short paper (6 pages).  Accepted long papers are planned to be published in the new Proceedings of the ACM series POMACS (Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems, https://pomacs.acm.org/), pending approval by POMACS and PACM.  Short papers are planned to be published in an issue of PER (Performance Evaluation Review, https://www.sigmetrics.org/ per.shtml).  Long and short papers will be allotted 30 and 22.5 mins, respectively, for presentation at the Performance 2018 conference.  Additional details will be forthcoming.

All submissions will be reviewed using a DOUBLE-BLIND REVIEW process: the identity of authors and referees will not be revealed to each other. To ensure blind reviewing, authors’ names and affiliations should not appear in the paper; bibliographic references should be made in such a way as to preserve author anonymity. Papers will be selected on the basis of their originality, technical standards, relevance and clarity. Submissions must be made electronically, details will be provided in the conference website.

General Chair:
Urtzi Ayesta (CNRS, IRIT, and Ikerbasque-Univ. Basque Country)

Program Committee Co-Chairs:
John Lui (CUHK, Hong Kong)
Michel Mandjes (CWI, Amsterdam)
Debasis Mitra (Columbia University, USA)

Steering Committee:
Sem Borst , Vice-Chair, IFIP WG 7.3, TU Eindhoven and Bell Labs NOKIA
Mark Squillante, Chair, IFIP WG 7.3, IBM Research
Benny Van Houdt, Secretary, IFIP WG 7.3, University of Antwerp