Statistics Café: The right to good statistics - VVSOR - VVSOR

03 May 2023

Statistics Café: The right to good statistics

Unveiling the Impact of Statistical Analysis in Law and Humanitarian Aid

Date: Wednesday May 3, 2023

Time: 18.30-22.30

Location: Social Impact Factory, Vredenburg 40, 3511 BD Utrecht


Statistics Cafés are informal gatherings where 2-3 speakers give a talk about a topic related to statistics. These Cafés are free of charge and are open to everyone, regardless of your level of statistical background.

The theme of this edition is: The right to good statistics. Practicing as a statistician or data scientist comes with a lot of responsibility. Reading through publications or listening to the news is enough to raise any trained practitioner’s eyebrows. But what happens when those statistics are used to make big decisions with ripple effects for peoples’ lives and livelihoods? How can we use statistics to make a positive impact, and how can we avoid falling into pitfalls in our own statistics?


For whom?

Everyone is welcome to this event – no prior statistical knowledge is assumed. Also, one free drink is included for members of the VVSOR. We hope to see you there!



The VVSOR is the Dutch Society for Statistics and Operations Research. For students it’s free to become a member; as a member, you will be informed of many more interesting events like these! You will also get a free drink from us at this event, so make sure to sign up. You can also sign up for the YS newsletter here.

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