Events (Social Sciences) - VVSOR

Events (Social Sciences)

Coming up

28 November 2024

AI Day

  Registration for AI-day (VVSOR-SWS) Please register when joining the AI-symposium organized by the VVSOR-SWS on Nov 28, 2024, in…

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01 July - 31 August 2024

Methods&Statistics Summer school courses at Utrecht University

The Department of Methodology and Statistics (M&S) offers over 20 courses, regarding topics such as: SEM models, longitudinal data methods,…

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29 January - 02 February 2024

Methods&Statistics Winter school courses at Utrecht University

The Department of Methodology and Statistics (M&S) offers seven one-day, introductory courses regarding open-source statistical software programs and open-source programming…

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11 May 2023

Experience sampling method Day

Ecological Momentary assessment (EMA), also referred to Experience Sampling Method (ESM), is becoming increasingly popular. And with good reason: Obtaining…

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09 June 2022

Machine Learning day

On Thursday June 9, the Social Science Section of the Dutch Statistical Society will be hosting our 2021 Fall meeting (‘najaarbijeenkomst’) at…

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