Online Events

On this page we regularly post interesting (online) talks and conferences that can be of interest to our members.

  • Fri, 4 December, 2020
    09:00 – 17:00
    Coronavirus, statistical chaos and the news: Preliminary reflections from journalists and scholars
    More information and registration on this website
    “This joint symposium gathers journalists, scientists, statisticians and media scholars to reflect on how the news media have performed in handling and communicating Covid-19 data to the public as well as to discuss some preliminary lessons for the near and far future.”
  • Thu, 9 July 2020
    16:00 – 18:00 CEST
    Join a talk from Prof. David Spiegelhalter on the challenges of communicating in the age of COVID, organised by the University of Edinburgh.
    More info and registration, click here
    ” For the 4th David Finney Lecture, Prof. David Spiegelhalter will talk about the challenges of communicating during the epidemic. Can we communicate deeper uncertainty about facts, numbers, or scientific hypotheses without losing trust and credibility? It is claimed we live in a ‘post-truth’ society in which emotional responses dominate balanced consideration of evidence. This presents a strong challenge to those who value quantitative and scientific evidence: How can we communicate statistics, risks and unavoidable scientific uncertainty in a transparent and trustworthy way?” 
  • Wed, 30 June 2020
    KNAW webinar on Networks and Corona (rewatch in Dutch)
    “De razendsnelle verspreiding van Covid-19 is mogelijk gemaakt door mondiale netwerken van verkeer en sociale interactie. Diezelfde netwerken stellen ons echter ook in staat om Covid-19 te bestrijden. In dit webinar spreken vier experts over netwerkaspecten van pandemiebestrijding, vanuit het perspectief van medische, exacte, sociale en communicatiewetenschappen.”
    (we especially recommend the third talk which starts after 40 minutes).