Workshop - Interactive visualisation with R Shiny - VVSOR - VVSOR

23 May 2019

Workshop – Interactive visualisation with R Shiny

The Statistics Communication section is organising an exciting workshop on interactive visualisation using R Shiny on May 23rd.

This workshop will provide you with basic knowledge and skills that will help you to effectively communicate and create a shared understanding with your audience.

Would you like to learn how to:

  • Create interactive web applications
  • Create effective data visualisations to communicate with your audience
  • Increase the relevance and visibility of your work
  • Improve your visual story telling skills

Then join this workshop!


The workshop is in the Pieter de la Court building at Leiden University (Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333 AK Leiden). This is a 8-minute walk from Leiden Central Station.


17.45 – 18.00: Arrival
18.00 – 18.05: Welcome by organizers
18.05 – 18.20: Introduction to interactive visualisation by Anirudh Tomer
18.20 – 19.50: Workshop R Shiny applications by Sarah Stolle
19.50 – 20.20: Break
20.20 – 20.50: Workshop on R Shiny implementations in presentations by Anirudh Tomer
20.50 – 21.00: Wrap-up
21.00 – 22.00: Drinks

This workshop is intended for anyone familiar with R, including students, academics, and junior/senior analysts, data scientists, and statisticians.


Anirudh Tomer
Anirudh is currently a 3rd year Ph.D. student in Biostatistics at ErasmusMC. He holds a masters degree in Statistics from KU Leuven, Belgium and a bachelor degree in Computer Engineering from University of Pune, India. He has worked as a software developer for 3 years at TIBCO Software. In the near future, he intends to bridge the gap between statistical research and practice using software tools.

Sarah Stolle

Sarah is currently working as a data scientist at Xccelerated. She is interested in visualising information as simple and beautiful as possible, to help people better understand our data-driven world. During her Ph.D research on Systems Biology of Ageing at University Medical Center Groningen, she built an R Shiny web application that visualises different types of data on mouse experiments interactively.



You can attend the workshop for free, but registration is required for catering purposes and due to the limited number of places available. The workshop is on May 23rd and the registration form is open until May 15th, 13.00h.

Organising Committee:

Sanne Willems and Aysun Yavuz